Ethics in science
The search for ethics in a technicist society
Jacques Ellul - Since all previous morality is conceived in terms of relationships between the individual and society, which is in turn taken to be the normal human milieu, traditional and ethical concepts and constructions appear to me today to be completely devalued by the development of this new milieu for humanity.
Jacques Ellul - The search for ethics in a technicist society
The Altured Nature of Human Action
H. Jonas - Returning to strictly intrahuman considerations, there is another ethical aspect to the growth of techne as a pursuit beyond the pragmatically limited terms of former times. Then, so we found, techne was a measured tribute to necessity, not the road to mankind's chosen goal--a means with a finite measure of adequacy to well-defined proximate ends.
H. Jonas - The Altured Nature of Human Action
Global Ethic for a New Global Order
Hans Küng - In our historical retrospect we saw that the responsibilities were formulated millennia before the rights. But 200 years after the 1789 Revolution we are living in a society in which individuals and groups constantly appeal to rights against others without recognizing any responsibilities of their own. Hardly anyone can build a house or a street, hardly an authority can enact a law or a regulation, without an appeal being made to rights in connection with it. Today countless claims can be advanced as rights, in particular against the state.
Hans Küng - Global Ethic for a New Global Order
The Internet: Beyond Ethics?
D. Lyon - The Internet throws up a number of serious ethical issues at just the time when ethical resources are few and far between. Various reasons for this state of affairs are discussed, several of which show a continuity rather than a disjuncture with other communication and information technologies (CITs). These include exaggerating the `newness' of the Internet, and forgetting that technology is a human activity, always amenable to ethical critique. It is suggested that the contribution of CITs to postmodern (un)realities puts the Internet in a peculiar position.
D. Lyon - The Internet: Beyond Ethics?
Huub Schellekens - De grondleggers van de natuurwetenschappen waren amateurs. Ze hoefden in elk geval niet te leven van hun wetenschappelijke activiteiten. Ze kwamen aan de kost in zeer diverse beroepen. Zo was Van Leeuwenhoek lakenkeurder, Mendel abt van een klooster, Jenner huisarts en lavoisier belastinginner. Sommigen, zoals Newton en Darwin, waren zo vermogend dat ze helemaal niet hoefden te werken voor hun kost. Ze waren onafhankelijke denkers en kwamen daarom tot grote ontdekkingen.
Introduction: Identity in the Age of the Internet
I split my mind. I'm getting better at it. I can see myself as being two or three or more. And I just turn on one part of my mind and then another when I go from window to window. I'm in some kind of argument in one window and trying to come on to a girl in a MUD in another, and another window might be running a spreadsheet program or some other technical thing for school.... And then I'll get a real-time message (that flashes on the screen as soon as it is sent from another system user), and I guess that's RL It's just one more window.
Sherry Turkle - Introduction: Identity in the Age of the Internet